General Terms of Sale

Terms of Sales

These general conditions of sale govern all sales concluded between:

  • The company IMPACT GAMING SAS with a share capital of €100,000, registered with the RCS of MARSEILLE under number B 927 706 432, whose head office is located at 9 Allée des bouleaux, 84000 AVIGNON FRANCE
  • Any person placing an order on the website, having the legal capacity and therefore being able to commit to these general conditions of sale.

These general conditions are made available to customers on the website "" where they can be directly consulted online. They can also be communicated on simple request sent by post or by email to the following coordinates:        


9 Allée des bouleaux - 84 000 AVIGNON FRANCE

We reserve the right to modify these general conditions at any time. In case of modification, the applicable general conditions are those in force on the date of the order.

Like any self-respecting online sales site, we have to address this legal part that few people read, and which takes us so much time and energy to write... (And a lot of coffee to stay awake).

We will therefore first digest this bread and butter of legal and other terms to make it easier for you/us.

You obviously understand what a sale is…

Well, this commits us as a seller to provide you with the item you have chosen and paid for within the allotted time, in working order and in accordance with your request and you, a buyer friend, this commits you to obviously pay for your purchase. but also to check your order carefully when it is received...

And how is this sales agreement going between us?

When you validate the order, it acts as a signature and allows us to seal our sales contract... By validating the order, you acknowledge that you have read these general conditions of sale and accept them without restriction or reservation.

All of the data that we record at the time of validation of the order constitutes proof of all transactions between us, in particular proof of the date, nature and content of the order.

We are committed to keeping this data and can send it to you on request.

Amazing details:

Orders are made only via the site. You must open an account on "" pour pouvoir passer commande…. To register an account, you must fill out a form and provide us with sincere, complete and detailed information.

This allows us to properly verify your identity and contact details and not to send an order just anywhere (as long as you have not filled out the form haphazardly). Once your customer account has been created, you will then have a username and password.

Keep your usernames and passwords safe and don't divulge them to anyone... It's a bit like a secret between you and us (otherwise, you won't have to complain that your neighbor receives controllers in your place or that he take orders on your behalf using your customer account).

Incredible mentions:

In accordance with article L.111-1 of the Consumer Code, we must inform you about the quality of our products, their purpose, with contraindications (…).

All our products are thus the subject of a description mentioning their essential characteristics so that you can order them with full knowledge of the facts.

However, you alone are in a position to determine whether the products correspond to your needs. You know how much consideration we have for you, and we will not lower ourselves to take you for what you are not. We sell controllers… When you order a controller, be sure that we won't deliver a fridge… As for the use of a controller… it seems rather obvious (Hint: it has an interaction with a console).


Our prices are indicated on the site. They can be changed at any time.

You obviously pay the price displayed in euros during the purchase... It seems silly said like that but we will illustrate for better intelligibility:

If a week after purchase you see a drop in price, we won't refund you the difference… For example, I bought a beautiful T-shirt and only two days later it was on sale! Admit all the same that it's infuriating… I didn't rush into the store to claim the 17 euros difference… On a merchant site, it's the same thing.

The prices displayed do not include delivery costs (They appear at the final validation of your order, with the summary of the total amount of the order).

You can simulate delivery costs by selecting the country and department of delivery in the "estimated shipping costs" window in your basket.

Our prices are displayed including VAT and therefore include VAT. Any change in the latter will therefore have an influence on the final price... But anyway, as our prices are displayed including VAT...

delivery time:

Information of the deadlines will be given before the confirmation of the order.

In the event of cancellation of the order, you will be refunded the total amount of the canceled order (price and delivery costs) at the latest within 14 days from, as the case may be, either the sending of our notice of order cancellation, or your refund request.

Refund terms: CB credited in the case of payment by CB, otherwise the refund will be made by bank transfer


As stated above, COMPLETE ALL FORMS CORRECTLY to avoid delivery errors.

Don't be offended if we ask you for any proof… (ID or proof of address). This excess of zeal is sometimes life-saving and allows us to avoid any harm.

In this case, our customer service AND ONLY our customer service will be likely to ask you for clarification. Prevention is better, as the saying goes.

The ordering steps are as follows:

  1. You must first identify yourself through your customer account.
  2. You select the product you are interested in from the products offered on the site.
  3. If it is a customizable product, you personalize the model you have selected by choosing the paint, the accessories by filling in the fields reserved for this purpose. During this personalization step, you will be able to receive a summary of all the fields and have each time and as you go along a final visualization of the product. At any time, you have the possibility to come back to an option and choose another one.
  4. Once you have made your choice, you must place an order. For this, you must validate a basket in which are summarized:
    1. The description of the products selected and, where applicable, the customization options and accessories chosen.
    2. The quantities ordered,
    3. Your details,
    4. The desired place of delivery,
    5. The terms of delivery,
    6. The total price of the order (delivery costs and other possible costs included).
  5. You are invited to check the details of your basket and correct any errors, before validating and confirming your order to express your acceptance of the content and price of the order.
  6. You are then redirected to a payment page and asked to pay for your purchase. Payments are made by: CB or Paypal.

Regarding payment, your order is payable in cash and without discount. Without receipt of full payment for the order, no product shipment. (No arms…).

  1. Once the order has been validated and paid for, you will automatically receive, at the e-mail address provided prior to the order, a confirmation e-mail summarizing your order and in particular the details, the price of the order and the delivery address.
  2. The payment of the price of the order is worth final validation of the order. Consequently, after you have validated your method of payment, your order will be definitively and irrevocably validated and can no longer be questioned or modified, subject to the derogations provided for herein.

Legal guarantees

All the products we supply benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity provided for in articles L. 217-4 to L. 217-5 of the Consumer Code and the legal guarantee against hidden defects provided for in articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code.

These guarantees apply independently of our commercial guarantee.

Legal guarantee of conformity

Article L.217-4. The seller delivers a good in conformity with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery.

He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when this has been charged to him by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility.

Article L. 217-5. The property complies with the contract:

  1. If it is specific to the use usually expected of a similar good and, where applicable:
  • if it corresponds to the description given by the seller and has the qualities that the latter presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;
  • if it has the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect given the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labeling;
  • Or if it has the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the parties or is suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the seller's attention and which the latter has accepted.

Article L.217-6. The seller is not bound by the public declarations of the producer or his representative if it is established that he did not know them and was not legitimately able to know them.

Article L.217-7. The defects of conformity which appear within twenty-four months from the delivery of the goods are presumed to exist at the time of delivery, unless proven otherwise.

The seller can challenge this presumption if it is not compatible with the nature of the goods or the alleged lack of conformity.

Article L.217-8. The buyer is entitled to demand that the goods conform to the contract. He cannot, however, contest conformity by invoking a defect which he knew or could not ignore when he contracted. The same applies when the defect has its origin in the materials supplied by him.

Article L.217-9. In the event of a lack of conformity, the buyer chooses between the repair and the replacement of the good.

However, the seller may not proceed according to the choice of the buyer if this choice entails a manifestly disproportionate cost with regard to the other method, taking into account the value of the good or the importance of the defect. He is then required to proceed, unless this is impossible, according to the method not chosen by the buyer.

Article L.217-10. If the repair and replacement of the good is impossible, the buyer can return the good and have the price refunded or keep the good and have part of the price refunded.

The same option is open to him:

  1. If the solution requested, proposed or agreed pursuant to Article L. 217-9 cannot be implemented within one month of the buyer's complaint;
  2. Or if this solution cannot be without major inconvenience for him given the nature of the property and the use he is looking for.

However, the resolution of the sale cannot be pronounced if the lack of conformity is minor.

Article L.217-11. The application of the provisions of the articles L. 217-9 and L. 217-10 takes place at no cost to the buyer.

These same provisions do not preclude the award of damages.

Article L.217-12. The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed by two years from the delivery of the goods.

Article L.217-13. The provisions of this section do not deprive the buyer of the right to exercise the action resulting from redhibitory defects as it results from articless 1641 à 1649 of civil code or any other action of a contractual or extra-contractual nature recognized by law.

Article L.217-14. The recourse action may be exercised by the final seller against successive sellers or intermediaries and the producer of the tangible movable property, according to the principles of the Civil Code.

All the products we supply benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity provided for in articles L. 217-4 to L. 217-5 of the Consumer Code and the legal guarantee against hidden defects provided for in articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code

Guarantee against hidden defects:

Article 1641 of the Civil Code provides that:

"The seller is bound by the guarantee on account of the hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which so diminish this use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have paid a lesser price for them, if he had known them".

Article 1645 of the Civil Code provides that:

« In the case of items 1641 and 1643, the buyer has the choice of returning the item and getting the price refunded, or keeping the item and getting part of the price refunded ».

Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code provides that:

"The action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years from the discovery of the defect".

Commercial guarantee

Burn Controllers are guaranteed for 180 days, parts and labor. A paid extension is available for a total duration of 1 year.

The warranty is personal and non-transferable in the event of resale of the controller.

The warranty excludes shocks, wear of the sticks and buttons or any damage caused by the user.

A Burn Controllers sticker prevents the controller from being opened. If damaged then the warranty is void. This Burn Controllers warranty seal also certifies the authenticity of the controller and that it has not undergone rapid-fire type modifications not authorized in competition.

We would like to remind you that it is not recommended to immerse your controller in any liquid (even to wash it), to expose your controller to nuclear particles or high temperatures, to make your brother swallow your controller who comes to torpedo your backup.

Your controller, although aerodynamic, is not subject to the same laws as a boomerang and therefore will not come back to you if you throw it on the ground (On the other hand, it will come back to you if you nevertheless try to return to the after-sales service in these conditions… at your expense).

We're not questioning your tinkering skills, but if you try to open your controller, it'll be out of warranty (we've put a security sticker on need to try.) By the way, we noted in French and English, for those who don't speak French, "BURN WARRANTY SEAL Void if removed »


All complaints, and in particular those made under the guarantees, must be addressed to our Customer Service.